Thursday, 21 June 2012

Kreativ Blogger Award by Claire

Right so I have been bestowed with the Kreativ Blogger Award thanks to the lovely Elizabeth of
Thanks Liz!
The Rules of the award are as follows 
1.    Thank and link back to the person who nominated you. 
2.    Answer 10 questions. 
3.    Share 10 random facts about yourself 
4.    Bestow the Kreativ Blogger award on 7 fab bloggers. 

Now to answer 10 questions... 
1.What’s your favourite song? I don't have an all time favourite just a current favourite .. Skinny Love by Bon Iver, but the version that I love is my sister Cathy singing it... Which just happens to be on an earlier post on this blog .. If u want a listen!
2. What’s your favourite dessert? Slice of chocolate cake.. Slightly warmed so it's a bit gooey!!
3.  What ticks you off?  Making little of other people or their efforts, I try not to associate with people who do that!
4. What do you do when you’re upset? I get angry, have a cry or I sing.. Good music helps cheer me up!
5. Which is your favourite pet? I don't have a pet, 2 children are enough right now!
6. What do you prefer: black or white?  Black, it's probably because of the whole looking thinner in black thing!!
7. What is your biggest fear? Messing up as a parent and not being able to protect them!!! 
8.  What is your attitude mostly? I like to say I'm a pessimistic optimist I presume the worst will happen but secretly hope for the best!
9.  What is perfection? It is something that varies from person to person, in my opinion it is something that makes you so content that you never want to change it.
10. What is your guilty pleasure?  A spoon of nutella straight from the jar!

10 Random facts about me..
1. I'm a bit of a sci fi buff.
2. I had braces for years as a teenager.
3. Backpacked around Australia on my own.
4. I dont like my freckles!
5. I sing and play guitar.
6. I had piano lessons but I gave up after a few years .. Wish I hadn't now!
7. I like to knit!
8. I want to work for myself.
9. I am right handed!
10. Some of the best laughs I've ever had are the ones where your meant to be quiet e.g. church!

Now to nominate 7 .. Not easy!!
I have nominated 7 Blogs and if they want to join in .. I'll post their sites (takes the pressure off folks!!!!)
Good luck folks xx

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I knew I liked you . . . Nutella from a jar/warm choc cake/laughing when shouldn't! Excellent chick. How awesome to have gone off backpacking on your todd and to Oz too. Thanks for sharing! xxx